Terms and Conditions

University of Hull London Terms and Conditions

Revised 28.02.25

Student terms and conditions: 2024/2025 academic year


You should carefully read these terms and conditions and the documents referred to in part 2 below before you accept our written offer of a place and again before you register with us as a student.

It is not practical for these terms and conditions to include full details of every policy or procedure that may apply to your studies or the services we provide, so there are links that take you to more detail on specific areas. If you find a broken link, please report it to [email protected].

During your time as a student, we will use your university email address to communicate with you. Please check your emails regularly to make sure you stay up to date.

The contract between you and us

When you accept our offer of a place, you enter into a legally binding contract with us, the University of Hull London Study Centre, and must keep to these terms and conditions. These terms and conditions can only be changed if you and we agree to the change in writing.

You can get further copies of these terms and conditions, including alternative formats, from [email protected].

Remember that our official offer of a place is:

  • the offer you receive from us, issued to you by Cambridge Education Group (CEG), on our behalf.

1               Accepting our offer

  1. Your contract with us (the contract) will start as soon as you accept our official offer of a place (our offer).
  2. You can cancel the contract at any time within the 14 days immediately after you accept our offer, as explained in condition 10.

2               Your general obligations

  1. If you accept our offer, you must keep to the following.
  2. If your programme requires you to register with a professional, statutory or regulatory body, or to be licensed to practise, you must make sure that you make all necessary declarations (including about criminal records, medical conditions and disabilities) to us, both during the admissions process and throughout your programme, and that you keep to all relevant rules and regulations during your studies and while on placement. You are responsible for paying any registration or licence fees, and keeping any licences, registrations or consents in force and up to date. We will take reasonable steps to help you become ‘fit to practise’, but will have no liability to you if you are declared not fit to practise as a result of something you do or fail to do.
  3. Your programme is recognised in England and will normally be recognised in other countries. If you need your programme to be recognised for professional or other purposes outside England, you must make sure of this yourself before accepting our offer.

3               Fees and deposits

  1. For all our programmes of study there is a fee (called a tuition fee) for each academic year of study, including any academic year that is repeated with or without you attending, with partial supervision and with or without mitigating circumstances accepted by us.

    Your tuition fee will depend on your tuition-fee status under the Education (Fees and Awards) (England) Regulations 2007 (as amended). More information on tuition-fee status can be found on the UK CISA website (UK Council for International Student Affairs).
  1. Your tuition fee includes a charge for tuition, registration, learning materials, examinations, assessments and graduation. Tuition fees are set annually and can be found on our website. They are also set out in our offer. Tuition fees, research-support fees (for example, for things such as laboratory materials and study equipment) and other fees (for example, resit and repeat-study fees) may arise in future academic years. The cost of field trips, research-support fees and so on is often paid separately. You can find more information on other costs which may apply to your programme in the specification for your chosen programme on our website.
  2. When you accept our offer, you confirm that you will give us full and correct information about who will pay your tuition fee.
  3. If an external organisation other than the Student Loan Company is sponsoring you (paying your tuition fee), you agree that:
    • we may share your personal information, including your academic progress, with your sponsor, without getting permission from you;
    • you will be responsible for making sure your tuition fee is paid; and
    • if your sponsor does not keep to any payment arrangement, any unpaid tuition fees will be transferred to your student-fee account to be paid immediately.
  1. If you have not made a suitable arrangement to pay your tuition fee and related charges, or you do not keep to any arrangement you have made, we may restrict your access to library and computing services. If there are unpaid fees or charges at the end of an academic year, you will normally not be able to register for the next academic year until those amounts have been paid or you have agreed a new payment arrangement with us. If you have any unpaid tuition fees or tuition-fee related charges one calendar month before the date of graduation, you will not normally be allowed to graduate.
  2. International students (students from outside the UK who do not fall within the scope of schedule 1 of the Education (Fees and Awards) (England) Regulations 2007, as amended from time to time) applying for full-time study on a postgraduate programme should read all sections of the tuition fee deposit webpage: https://www.hull.ac.uk/choose-hull/study-at-hull/admissions/tuition- fee-deposit
  3. We may need to change or withdraw an offer to an international student as a result of changes imposed by the Home Office or any other government agency. In such circumstances, we will take reasonable steps to make sure credits are properly awarded, and may return part of the tuition fee.
  4. We may increase your tuition fee each year in line with the Retail Prices Index, or at any time to reflect a change in the law or government requirements.
  5. If you are a self-funded student your fees must be paid by yourself or a family member. We don’t accept payment of fees from 3rd parties, such as friends and Agents.
    This is due to the UK Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (POCA 2002), the Terrorism Act 2000 and the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds 2017.

As a student you should:

  • understand your responsibilities not to engage with suspicious activities;
  • exercise vigilance;
  • know what to do if you are concerned about activity linked to bank accounts you hold; and
  • are aware of the serious consequences of involvement in this sort of criminal activity

The British Council’s Creating Confidence guidance and the UKCISA website both contain helpful information for students.

Under the University’s Anti-Money Laundering Procedures, the University will not accept transfers of funds for personal living or other expenses. Funds to cover living costs, including the cost of non-University accommodation, must be paid directly to your own bank account under a separate transaction. Any payments so received will be returned directly to the sender by the same method that payment was made.

Please see here for University of Hull London refund policies both pre and post enrolment: 

4               Your finances

Students are expected to have made adequate financial provision for the full duration of their studies. This should include tuition fees and full living costs. In the event of an unanticipated financial emergency, we may be able to provide limited short term financial support to deal with that emergency situation. We are not able to provide financial assistance for tuition fees or everyday living costs.  

5               Your programme and other educational matters (including changes to programmes)

  1. Our prospectus contains an overview of the university and the programmes we provide (on the date it was published). Programmes are continually reviewed and developed, and changes may sometimes need to be made (for example, to make sure that the content of programmes is up to date and relevant, to meet the requirements of professional or accrediting bodies, or as a result of student feedback or examiners’ reports). We will normally only make changes if we consider it is necessary to do so, or it is in the best interests of students, but we may sometimes have to make changes for reasons beyond our control. We can stop providing any programme, in line with the remaining condition in this clause 4.
  2. There is a list of the core and optional units that may be available for your programme in the course information on our website and in the student handbook you will be given when you register. We do not guarantee that an optional unit will always run or be available to all students. Your choice of units may be restricted by limits on timetabling, staffing or facilities, the number of places on the unit, or requirements that must be met.
  3. In return for your tuition fee, we provide you with educational services and facilities for your programme and will give you reasonable support to help you learn. You agree to play a full and active role in progressing in your studies and to meet the standards of behaviour and personal responsibility we expect, as set out in the Code of Student Conduct.
  4. As well as these terms and conditions, for some programmes you may need to agree to the terms and conditions of other professional bodies, accrediting bodies or third-party providers. If there is any conflict between a third party’s terms and conditions and these terms and conditions, these terms and conditions will apply.
  5. We will normally only make changes to programmes if the overall effect does not disadvantage students. Negative changes may sometimes be unavoidable because of unforeseen issues such as staff availability, student numbers or the availability of other resources, but we will try to minimise the effect any change has on students. By accepting our offer, you agree that we can make reasonable changes (without giving you notice) to make sure you receive the best-quality educational experience, including to do the following.
    • Keep programme content and delivery up to date and relevant. We may need to make technical adjustments to reflect developments in academic teaching, research or professional standards and requirements, or as a result of feedback from examiners or students. We may also need to:
      • adjust aspects of the curriculum to make sure it is current and reflects developments in the subject area;
      • change methods of assessment, assessment weightings, and the word length of individual assignments; or
      • adjust learning outcomes and how they are assessed.
    • Introduce changes resulting from a programme review
      • We regularly carry out formal reviews of all our programmes in line with regulatory requirements and those of professional bodies, to make sure that the design, academic standards and quality of learning opportunities of programmes remain appropriate and are guided by our regulations and policies, national benchmarks and relevant professional and employment demands. Programme reviews may result in changes to a programme to improve its quality.
    • Reflect external change
      • We may change a programme to reflect changes in relevant laws, regulatory requirements, requirements of professional bodies, the way higher education is regulated, or to meet requirements and guidance as a result of a pandemic.
    • Refresh optional modules or units
      • Optional modules and units listed in the prospectus may change. We do not guarantee that an optional unit will always run in any given academic year as this may depend on, for example, student numbers and staff expertise.
    • Alter the location of a programme
      • We can change the location a programme is delivered at to allow us to provide the best facilities and academic provision.

We will try to keep any changes to the minimum necessary and may tell or consult affected students beforehand.

  1. We will not normally make a significant change to your programme without the written agreement of a majority of students registered on that programme who would be affected by the change. A significant change is:
    • a change of award or programme title;
    • a change to the availability of a core part of the programme; or
    • a change to the type of assessment for your programme, other than changes described in 4e above.

      If we think that we have to make a significant change for reasons other than those covered in condition 4e, we will take reasonable steps to get your permission and will tell you if that change is made. If you did not agree to the change, and it causes exceptional disadvantage or hardship, we will work with you to try to reduce the negative effect on you or find an appropriate solution. If you did not agree to the changes and remain dissatisfied with them, you will be given the opportunity to withdraw from your programme and, if necessary, get reasonable support to transfer to another institution.
  2. If our delivery of your programme is disrupted by circumstances beyond our control, we will give you as much notice as possible and will take all reasonable steps to keep the disruption to a minimum, for example by providing a modified version (such as blended or remote learning, assessment-based results, or adjusted timetabling or staffing) or offering affected students the chance to move to another programme or institution. Except where the law says otherwise, we will not be liable for any loss or damage suffered as a result of circumstances beyond our control. Examples of such circumstances include industrial action by our staff or third parties, key members of staff leaving or the unavoidable absence of specialist staff, terrorism or security threats, epidemic or pandemic, damage to buildings, facilities or equipment, severe weather conditions, the actions of any authority, or serious concerns about the spread of a serious illness, disease or health condition.
  3. If we review a programme and decide to close it for future applicants, we will make sure that appropriate arrangements are in place until current students have completed the programme. We will maintain the academic quality and standards of the programme and provide appropriate learning opportunities.
  4. If we withdraw your programme because the number of students is so low that it would not be possible to provide an appropriate quality of education, we will take reasonable steps to offer an alternative arrangement, such as a place on a different programme or a refund of any tuition fee and tuition-fee deposit you have paid.
  5. We publish a Student Protection Plan which describes events which may put your studies at risk, along with the types of action we may take if such events happen. 
  6. Registering on your programme gives you membership of the students’ union, unless you choose not to be a member. If you choose not to be a member, you will still have the same access to premises and facilities and services provided by the students’ union but will not be able to speak or vote in meetings, take part in electing officers, or vote in referendums. There is more information on the Hull University students’ union website.

6               Accessibility

The teaching site at 99 Gower Street is not currently an accessible building for anyone in a wheelchair. Students with mobility needs must be aware that there are 4 steps to reach the first floor, and the building has 4 floors, with no internal lift. We will endeavour to meet individual accessibility needs through the provision of reasonable adjustments, however due to the current limitations of the building there may be some needs we are unable to accommodate at this time. Please ensure you discuss any accessibility needs with our student support service before accepting an offer.

7               Your personal information

  1. We collect, use and store personal information in line with our data-protection policies and procedures. Details of how we handle the personal information are given in our privacy notices on our website, which may be updated from time to time. By accepting our offer, you confirm that you have read the Student Privacy Notice and the Alumni Privacy Notice. Details of your rights relating to your personal information are also given on the data protection pages of our website.
  2. The University will share your personal data with their third-party debt collection agency for the collection of unpaid fees.

    This includes:
    • Name
    • D.O.B
    • Home and /or Business Address(es)
    • Email addresses
    • Telephone numbers
    • Financial Information
    • Invoices relating to unpaid debt
    • Correspondence, contracts and records relating to the unpaid debt
    • Special Category Data (i.e. health/medical information)

8               International students and UKVI

  1. We are licensed by the UK Home Office to act as a sponsor of international students for visa purposes and have specific duties and responsibilities to UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI). If you are an international student, you must meet all UKVI requirements and any policy we have relating to UKVI student visas and meeting our obligations under the licence. For more information about Student visas, visit the Government website or click here.
  2. You are expected to help us meet our UKVI obligations by co-operating with all reasonable requests for information or documents. We will take action against any international student who does not co-operate within a reasonable timescale. If you are an international student, we can restrict your access to library and computing services until you provide the information we have asked for, or remove you from your programme if you do not co-operate or cannot provide the information or documents we need.
  3. We can suspend or remove you from your programme if you are an international student and:
    • you do not keep to this condition 8; or
    • we have good reason to suspect that you:
      • do not meet the conditions of your student visa;
      • do not have ‘leave to remain’ in the UK, to allow you to study on a university course; or
      • are putting our UKVI licence at risk.

9               Intellectual property

  1. Intellectual property is any idea, invention, method, discovery, process, design, trade or service mark, copyright work (including computer software and all data and information relating to it), database rights, trade secret, confidential information or any similar process, right or information.
  2. Intellectual property you create during your studies or research will normally belong to you, unless any of the following apply.
    • You receive a university studentship (a funded place on a programme), in which case ownership of the intellectual property will be decided in line with the terms of that studentship agreement.
    • You receive a bursary from, or have your fees paid or subsidised by, a sponsor, in which case the ownership of intellectual property will be decided in line with the terms of the arrangement between you, us and your sponsor.
    • The intellectual property builds upon existing intellectual property created by us or was jointly invented with our employees or associates, in which case you must legally transfer the intellectual-property rights to us and will be entitled to a share of any income generated from that intellectual property, in line with our policy from time to time.
    • The intellectual property builds upon existing intellectual property owned by a third party or was jointly invented with a third party or our employees or associates, in which case you must legally transfer the intellectual-property rights to the third party or us and will be entitled to a share of any income generated from that intellectual property, in line with our policy from time to time.
  3. If, during the course of your studies or research, you have access to confidential information belonging to us or a third party, you must only use that confidential information in connection with your studies or research, and as specified in any relevant terms and conditions. You cannot pass on the confidential information without permission from us or the third party, as appropriate.

10           Complaints

If you want to complain about your programme or the facilities and services provided by us, you should follow the procedure set out in the Student Complaint Regulations, unless your complaint is about our recruitment or admission process, in which case visit the Admissions Policies section on our website for further information.

11           Other contractual arrangements

  1. You may have other contractual arrangements with us, such as arrangements for accommodation, sports facilities or non-educational services that you use while you are a student. These terms and conditions will not apply to those arrangements, which will be covered by separate agreements.
  2. If you are studying at one of our associated institutions, the student agreement is between you and that institution, but some of our procedures will apply to you, as set out in that agreement.
  3. You may also have contractual arrangements with other organisations, such as a sponsor or funder, the NHS (if you are on an NHS professional course), the Student Loans Company, accommodation providers or others. You must make sure that you understand these separate arrangements.

12           Cancellation rights

  1. You can cancel your contract with us, without giving any reason, within 14 days from the day you accept our offer. You can use our Cancellation Form, write to us at the address shown at the end of these terms and conditions, or send an email to [email protected].
  2. If an international student holding a student visa cancels their contract in line with this condition, we will report them to the UKVI and their visa may be curtailed or withdrawn.

13           Third-party rights

No third party has any rights to enforce these terms and conditions or any term of your student contract.

14           Governing law

These terms and conditions are governed by English law and any legal action relating to them must be taken in the courts of England.

15           Changes to policies, regulations, codes and other information

  1. We may need to make changes to other information we have given you, such as our policies, regulations and codes, but we will normally only do this if the overall effect does not disadvantage students. Negative changes may sometimes be unavoidable because of unforeseen issues such as changes to legal or regulatory requirements, but we will try to keep the effect of any changes to a minimum.
  2. You agree that we may make changes under this clause 15 without your permission if:
    • the student union have been consulted, either directly or through representatives on the committee, board or similar body considering the change; and
    • you have been given notice of the change.

Contact information

Questions about these terms and conditions (including reporting broken links)

University Secretary, University of Hull, Cottingham Road, Hull, HU6 7RX, United Kingdom

[email protected]

General questions or information

Phone: +44 (0)1223 345698 or click here for our website.